30 Ιουνίου 2024

Investing like Gardening!

Investing like Gardening!

We must think of investing like gardening. When we plant some seeds in the ground, we wait patiently, for the seeds to grow and become a plant ; plant after some years, will give us its fruits.

If in gardening, we were acting the same way as we often act in investing, i.g. impatiently, it would be like, we put now the seeds in the soil, and want to see a well grown plant after only 3 or 5 minutes, something of course cannot happen as it is unnatural; it’s like Jack and the Beanstalk, where the magic beans caused a gigantic beanstalk to grow rapidly outside Jack’s home; now you know, these things happen only in fairytales, not in real stock markets.

In reality, if you want to succeed in stock markets, you must be even more patient than you are in gardening and planting; but if you are, if you do a few things right and avoid some ‘silly’ mistakes and if you are disciplined, after some years and favored by compounding super-power, you will reap abundant fruits!

So don’t act childish and irresponsibly with your money ; Read HERETIC INVESTOR, and learn how to invest easily and successfully ( = better than Pros majority)!

Read also THIS and this.

Sofianopoulos Panayotis

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