30 Ιουνίου 2024

5 Steps To Positive Leadership

5 Steps To Positive Leadership

5 Critical Steps To Positive LeadershipPositive Leadership

Not every leader has a positive mindset and you may notice that some leaders always seem to be happy while others seem to enjoy being negative. Why? The major difference is a positive mindset.

Is it possible to create a positive attitude? Can you turn the positive switch on and off? Sure. But the people you lead will get confused. It’s another flavor of the month program. Having a positive mindset or attitude can’t be a part-time thing.

A positive mindset isn’t about perfection. It’s about two things, excellence and excitement. Excellence isn’t perfection. Perfect is an illusion. Excellence is a reality. Being the best you can be in the moment. Whatever moment you’re in. Excitement is about passion. Passion for excellence

1. Be passionate about something. Don’t just go through the motions each day, enjoy what you are doing. Get excited about something you do on a daily basis. The key is to find your something. What is it? It may be small but it’s significant. Significance matters.

2. Be grateful and generous. I have a challenge for you. When you go home. Make a list. List everything you have to be thankful for. Think significance, not size. Sit and think about all the things you have in your life. What do you take for granted? Do this exercise everyday for a week. You will fill up pages. Each day you will remember what you need to be grateful and thankful for. Of course life throws you challenges regularly, by being grateful for what you have, you can deal with any challenge thrown at you. Keep in mind that positive thinking will always attract positive results.

3. Be proactive. Be responsible for your actions. Don’t wait for life to act on or for you. Lead.

4. Take responsibility for your life. Don’t blame and point fingers. Read The QBQ by John G. Miller. Responsibility leads to control. Control of your life. Take action and deal with problems as they occur.

5. Surround yourself with like minded people. This includes friends, co-workers and family. Negative people get together and blame others for their problems. Misery loves company. Being a part of the pity party and victim thinking is outdated and old. Stay away from people who always have a negative attitude.

Πηγή johnbossong.com

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