Dear mr. Gates,
I remember when I had seen a TV documentary about Steve Jobs: He, in his early years, must was in the ’80s if I remember well, that Jobs had described his vision about computers; Jobs wanted to make computers a tool for everybody; till then, computers were great tools that someone could do great things with them, but it had to be a programmer; their use was difficult, wasn’t for anybody. The first step to a friendly computer, was the windows environment; the windows function system, made the use of computers approachable to crowd.
Jobs from back then, had imagined that a really functional computer had to be small as a book and easy to use (he mentioned it to this interview). Back then, there wasn’t yet, the technology to make such a computer. But technology was advancing quickly.
Steve Jobs had imagined or visioned if you prefer, the iPad tablet computer from back then, and he used the advance of technology in order to approach his vision of the book size and easy to use computer, that would be for anyone, with no special knowlegde required.
And with technology advancing and permitting, he finally achieved his vision: APPLE created the first tablet PC that was another big “revolution”, after the first “revolution” of the windows environment. Jobs had imagined the tablet PC from the ’80s and maybe earlier, and he was working systematically towards this goal and finally make it.
And that is truly innovation: to make things simpler and easier for the users.
Now, in our days, the next big revolution in computers sector, and using the Jobs vision and spirit, I think it will come from Artificial Intelligence (AI). When AI will be ‘strong’ enough, will make computers of nowadays look like ‘dinosaurs’. With AI, someone could use computers, just by telling them, what he wants to do, and the computer will hear and execute; they will no longer need boring hand movements with the mouse and through the Windows environment. Windows environment will be overcome once and for all. It will cease to exist like DOS (Disk Operating System) has disappeared many years now, from the appearance of Windows.
I think that this development is inevitable, and basically the future of todays giant Microsoft that rules in computers’ operating system, is in stake, as we are speaking for the computers’ single operating system, globally. If Microsoft doesn’t transformed soon in this direction, of an AI based operating system, in a trully Intelligent OS that will replace current Windows, someone else will do it and then, the giant Microsoft will be found in a dangerous position. And if you think about it, Microsoft seems to ceased innovate strongly in the last years; it’s basic product, the Windows OS, are simply renewed, just to change a little, just to show a ‘new product’ on the market, but in the last years, I don’t think that these version updates of Windows offer substantial and truly functional changes; they are changes just for the change; sometimes indeed, the changes seem to be worse in functionality, at least partially, than previous version.
Windows seem have been exhausted as regards their substantial improvement. The small changes from version to version, do not make them substantially better, they only confuse users and it’s like when we had DOS and someone tried to make it ‘better’ by changing the commands, e.g. from RUN, to EXECUTE. That’s not progress.
Microsoft must move soon, to a higher and different level, a more friendly one and this, can be done only by using AI.
Dear mr. Gates,
You must always have in mind the words and spirit of your known and rival, Steve Jobs:
a. You must always be focused on the direction of making technology and computers easier to use by users without any specialized knowledge, and and work consistently and quickly in this direction, and
b. if you stop innovate, you will be overcome by others.
> Think about these and answer to yourself: Does today’s Microsoft serves this conditions for the continuation of success or tends to become a ‘dinosaur’?
Don’t rely on Microsoft’s size and influence; it won’t be nice to see Microsoft to fall… and it has happened before with giant corporations; see the cases of KODAK, NOKIA and others. Also APPLE, almost went bankrupt in the mid ’90s, you know it better; it would be very unlikely to be found a deus ex machina to save Microsoft.
Sofianopoulos Panayotis
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