5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

How is explained such a chaos in Coronavirus case?

How is explained such a chaos in Coronavirus case?

We all have heard from experts that coronavirus is much more contagious and dangerous than the flu. And because of that, in almost half of the planet, the governments have implemented draconian measures in order to control the contagion and its fatality.

In order to succeed on this, economies have shut-down and strict quarantines have been implied. Big and generally speaking first world Countries like Italy, Spain, France, USA, have been stricken badly of this novel coronavirus. It is important that we are not speaking for third world Countries, that are poor and not have the medical sytems and resources in order to confront this new virus. We are speaking for first world Countries.
And the cost for them, the economic cost of the wide lock-down, is huge, unpreceded and can have serious negative consequences on society on long term.

So the experts say that it is a need ta take such draconian measures, if we want to “control” the disease and not have a huge death toll. Scientific studies, on coronavirus say that can cost even the lives of million people, if such an unpreceded action not taken. And governments liten to those experts and apply those measures.

But let’s take a look in just two graphs, as a picture worths a thousand words.

Experts say that coronavirus is much more contagious and dangerous than the common flu. And we are OK with that, we understand it and comprehend it. But what about other contagious viruses that appeared in the relatively last years?

In the graph below, we can see and compare the coronavirus with other infectious viruses / diseases.

We can see that the range where coronavirus is, is in a less dangerous area, than especially SARS, but also MERS. So how is explained that the recent oubreaks of SARS and MERS, that were much more deadlier, however, they were treated particularly effectively, with less total deaths globally, and no wide lock-downs on economies and societies?

So how is explained that the recent oubreaks of SARS and MERS, that were much more deadlier than the novel coronavirus / COVID-19, however, they (SARS and MERS) were treated / handled particularly effectively, with much more less total deaths globally, and without wide lock-down on economies and societies?

Can experts explain to us, why with more contagious viruses like in SARS case, with bigger fatality rate, the whole dealing with the threat, was much more efficient/effective and successful? … and having in mind that in years in between and till today, the science has progressed a lot?

So how this “chaos” coming from the coronavirus can be explained and justified? Science is more advanced today compared to a few years ago, and as we showed, there were more dangerous viruses / infectious diseases in the last years than coronavirus / COVID-19.


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