How the Troika is killing Greeks. Imagine you are living in Greece today, this time that Troika imposes endless and unfair austerity.
If you work in these conditions, a full time job, you will earn net about €720 monthly – and believe me, the numbers and costs I’m presenting you, are realistic.
With these €720 monthly, you have to cover the next fundamental (and non luxury) expenses:
• About €400 for rental (a home) or mortgage (loan) payment for housing.
And those money can be more and not less, if you count the Apartments block shared expenses that I didn’t counted them and many citizens, the majority of the citizens that stay in big cities have.
• About €300 for bill payments (electricity, water, telecommunication).
We are already reach €700, so we are left only with €20 (twenty euros).
With these €20 we must cover all other fundamental expenses, like food (you must eat to survive), fuels and transportation, some basic education for children.
As you can imagine, with those €20 left and according to living cost in Greece, you can not even cover the fundamental cost of living. You can not survive.
And the State, is asking (with the whole taxation) for money, money, money (from citizens).
Now, I imagine, you can understand why many Greeks today, evade taxes and not paying their taxes. Because taxes comparable to wages and income are huge; we just show you that a wage of €720 is not sufficient to cover the fundamental living costs, so how to pay taxes?
Now, imagine that many full time jobs, paying less than €700 net. Many people, if they work, they have a part-time job with a monthly payment of about €400.
Now, imagine that even those that have a job, their employers don’t pay them at all or pay them just a part of the agreed salary, for example if they have agreed to pay net €700, they pay them €300; this is very common in greek business the last 4 years that austerity killed the economy.
As you can understand, the money that employers of private sector owe to employees, are increasing every month, making impossible to be paid back…
Now imagine that with unemployment at 26%, it’s very common, not to have a job and this is not because of your capabilities and knowledge. In many houses, both husband and wife, are unemployed… in many houses, they have also one or two kids…
How they will survive?
… and how they actually survive?
1) The most of us (Greeks) from the ‘good’ times, we had put aside some money, deposited in banks; the last 5 years of unfair austerity, we constantly withdraw amounts from our bank accounts that are moving towards to zero.
2) Many of us (Greeks), have our elderly parents that they own a house, so they don’t have the rent expense that is the biggest expense, so they help their children with part of their pension, that is in average, about €800 monthly. But Troika is constantly cutting pensions…
3) Many of Greeks, are tax evading but now, not for bigger profits but for survival reasons.
4) Some Greeks they work illegally, without being avowed to State (therefore seem unemployed). Their employers force employees to do that, because they (employers) save the money that have to pay to State for their employees’ insurance (you can estimate 30% of net salary; example: if the net wage is €700, the total cost of payment for the employer is €910, those €210 is not paid to employee but they are paid form the employer to State for the employee insurance).
The employees don’t like this option, to work in ‘shadow economy’ because that means that it will be more difficult for them to make a pension when the time will arrive or/and will make a lower pension. But employees are force to work illegally because, what is the alternative? To stay unemployed, so to have zero income?
So dear citizens all over the world, put yourselves in Greeks shoes and realize that even survival, in Greece is really very difficult with Troika’s unfair austerity. A big robbery is taking place from Troika that is stealing Greeks and impoverishes them.
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