Famous writers have written basic things on investing, but they haven’t covered from A to Z. If they had done successfully this, then everybody would read their books and after a while, they would become successful investors; but this doesn’t happen. Why? Because the well known writers, cover from A up to K or L, but miss the rest from M to Z (they miss a lot).
But readers keep attracted to famous writers, to writers that the readers know them… The result: The readers that are also newbies investors, NEVER become successful investors and they often fail on long term.
Think about it: J. K. Rowling is one of the most famous authors globally (from Harry Potter). Now if she writes a new book, it will be immediately a best seller, just because she is famous and readers attracted from famous names. But if she use a nickname instead her real name, if J. K. Rowling wrote a new book, but instead of her real name, signed it with the fictitious Vanessa Baker (a complete unknown name), who is gonna buy her new book? … when the crowd would see a new book from an author Vanessa Baker, they have never listen of her, be sure that they wouldn’t buy the book, although that in reality, the book would be of the talented J. K. Rowling. So, understand that readers are attracted from the famous.
Going back on investing, here’s a truth: nobody, ever, will reach Z, because stock markets are often chaotic, so Z or in other words a perfect investor, cannot exist. But you can reach the higher levels of S, T, U or even V, or in other words, you can perform on long term, like the best of Pros at investing. Would you like to succeed this? … to reach from A to V of investing and perform like the best Pros?
If you like it, go on and read HERETIC INVESTOR, the book that I wrote and covers with the most efficient and easy way the topic of investing in stock markets. I may be not yet, a famous name but I covered much more on investing, than the old and known authors on the topic; and that is the reason that I wrote the book: because I had new things to say and a method that leads to easy and successful investing.
So, do you want to win on stock markets? It’s up to you; pass this message and you will fail on investing, because you will sit back on learning from the books of well known authors the A to K or L, and you will miss the opportunity to learn the wider and closer to complete investing alphabet, like reaching your knowledge much further, to S, T or even V – that will happen if you read HERETIC INVESTOR.
• You have done the first important step: you are dealing with investing, and that can be good.
• You have done the second important step: you are trying to learn, and that is good because with learning you obtain skills.
• Now, act the next and most important step: go further by reading HERETIC INVESTOR.
Think out of the box ; be fair and clever to yourself, for your own interest. Do not suffice to a small part of investing alphabet (knowledge from books of known authors) when you can have a much bigger.
Stand out from the crowd!
If you think that the book is not worthing its money, then I must be an idiot to spent all this time to write it and the time to inform you about it. And I don’t do it to earn money, because how many books do you think, I will sell, when the crowd is attracted only in ‘big’ names?
Regards… and wishing you, not good luck, as successful investing is not a matter of luck but good reasoning!
Panayotis Sofianopoulos
Author of
http://amzn.to/2dz6CVV • English Version
http://amzn.to/2qsjkbU • Greek Version
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