I found a new innovative product with a huge growth potential. Shall I praise it publicly or I will be silent, in order to buy as much as I can, in low prices and then, be benefited in the years to come, from its phenomenal price rise, as a result of its real growth potential?
If you, bitcoiners, believed all these BS you say constantly about BTC, you wouldn’t promote it openly and everywhere, because by promoting it, you attract other people in it, and YOU will forced to buy it more expensive. That is irrational… If Bitcoin was so good and with such a huge potential as you say and it is inevitable, YOU, that you have the knowledge (compared to the rest of us, who we don’t know and don’t understand Bitcoin’s revolutionary potential), you would kept secret and you wouldn’t praise it publicly, in order to buy MORE in lower prices, for yourselves.
So, this irrational behavior of yours, reveals that Bitcoin in reality is useless and already obsolete, and the only thing that you bitcoiners, care about, is to protect and grow your pump scheme – the informal global ponzi; that’s WHY you promote it constantly, every day and everywhere, because it’s essential to keep the ponzi alive.
Remember! It’s not a “yesterday’s” product; Bitcoin counts almost 13 years, if it was such a good and revolutionary product, would not needed, bitcoiners to promote it, after 12 years in existence, every day, all the time and everywhere. And there is only one reason which explains their “irrational” behavior, this which I explained to you.
Putting money in Bitcoin, is the same with putting money in a giant global ponzi scheme. The Bitcoin’s ponzi hasn’t yet collapsed, because for the first time in history, is a global one and is accompanied with the story of a promising wider technology (blockchain – but blockchain can exist without Bitcoin or any other specific cryptocurrency). But all ponzis collapse, sooner or later – it may take years: for example, Bernie Madoff’s ponzi ran for 17 years and broke after audits and investigations, so it could ran for some more years.
So, If you wanna gamble your hard earned money, go ahead and buy bitcoins.
Panayotis Sofianopoulos
Author of
Bitcoinvest or Not? Answers to Crucial Questions.
…for those, considering investing in bitcoin and other cryptos too.
Bilingual book (English and Greek) – Βιβλίο δίγλωσσο (στα Αγγλικά και στα Ελληνικά)
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