Which is the shortest book on successful investing? A book containing Warren Buffett’s quote:
“I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.”
Do this and you will succeed.
This quote tells everything for successful investing. I could interpret this quote in 10 or 15 pages, but it’s no need, because it’s so simple and easy to comprehend.
However, I can understand that you maybe are not sure when it’s the right time to become fearful or greedy; you hear some experts say that the market has potential and the same time you hear others, say that the market is gonna crash.
Good news! Actually there is no problem if you are unsure if you must be greedy or fearful ; you can let a “tool” indicate you, when it’s the right time to be fearful or greedy; I mean the easy but powerful PMA oscillator that I describe on Heretic Investor.
PMA is easy and doesn’t require special means; you can calculate it easily in an Excel. PMA indicates you the big divergences of mass greed or mass fear, from the long term ‘fair’ price of the stock market. So now you know, how to act in order to become rich.
Panayotis Sofianopoulos
• Read also THIS.
P/S: The book “Heretic Investor” is about long term successful investing; has nothing to do with trading which is dangerous and you must avoid it by all means for reasons, I explain in the book.